Centenary High School
Equipment type: Exersite
“The Exersite has been a tremendous addition to our school sporting facilities. It has enhanced our HPE programs, Sports team training and created additional opportunities for students to get active during lunch breaks.”
“Our HPE classes and teachers use the Exersite for warm up activities, circuit training and even chin-up competitions! The students really enjoy the opportunity to get on the equipment. Our sporting teams have an additional facility to assist in their training and strength and conditioning and the students just love the opportunity to use this easy and safe facility to get active during their lunch breaks.”
“The sturdy construction of the Exersite ensures it will be a long lasting addition to our facilities. I have no hesitation in recommending the Exersite to any school - go ahead and get one - you and your students will enjoy it!"
Steve Mills
Head HOD HPE and Sport Centenary High School