

Over the last 35+ years Fitness Trails® have been involved in 100’s of installations across both Australia and the globe.

We have partnered extensively with local councils and park authorities and as a result we have an intimate understanding of the need for safe functional equipment that will stand the test of time. Many of these installs have been community lead initiatives, where we have been able to add value not only with supply but also in the project planning phase and community grant process.


We were first to market with a solution to fighting childhood obesity and inactivity in schools and remain committed to providing functional and engaging equipment to this space.

In recent years we have seen a big shift back to functional exercise that varies only in degree and not design, Our partners appreciate the simplicity of our system that allow for all users to get the most from our equipment, We know our installs will cater for the high level athlete just as well as the low mobility sedentary user.